Newly excavated posts about teaching

When I migrated from Blogger to Jekyll a few years ago, I left a bunch of posts behind, with the vague resolution of importing them at some point. Today, I excavated a few more from the archives, all about teaching:

  • The benefits of a nonnative teacher (2020): A very long-winded way of saying that language learners often benefit from having a teacher who isn’t a native speaker of the target language, because then the teacher has empathy for the student. I think I stand by this take.
  • Things that are a thing here (2018): Just a few days into my Fulbright job, I was enamored with how seriously Korean teachers took their profession—and still am. But knowing what I do now, I would not write “Art, music, literature, and ‘morality’ class matter [in Korean schools] just as much as the STEM subjects.” Of course, all these subjects factor into your GPA, but as in the US, many Korean teachers and parents believe that the best jobs go to STEM graduates. And thus, even if it’s not their intention, they tend to celebrate students’ success in those subjects with a bit of extra energy.
  • Centering students as creators (2017): Notes from my undergrad internship. I think I see the germ here of an idea I’ve grown more certain of since: When you don’t know how to proceed, the first thing you should do is start. You know—open a document, put your name and the date, choose a font. These first steps shake off the fear of failure and assure the brain that it is safe to proceed.

Server-side KaTeX rendering with Jekyll

This post explains how I set up server-side KaTeX rendering to improve the load time on pages that include mathematical notation.

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Two novels to understand Korea’s political turmoil

On Tuesday night, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol imposed martial law across the country for six hours. He retracted his declaration only after the National Assembly passed an emergency resolution ordering him to back down. As of this writing, the Assembly has drafted but failed to vote on articles of impeachment. Instead, Yoon’s party has announced a plan for the president’s “orderly resignation.” Many details remain up in the air.

As an American, it is not my place to take sides or say what Korea should do next; I can only observe and interpret. With that as my goal, I would like to discuss two novels that may supply context to the current political situation.

First, to understand the images that Koreans associate with “martial law,” we must discuss Han Kang’s 2014 novel Human Acts (한강, «소년이 온다»), which is available in an English translation by Deborah Smith. The novel portrays 1980’s 5/18 movement and the ensuing government crackdown in which public officials killed, sexually assaulted, arrested, and tortured pro-democracy activists in Gwangju on false charges of communist sympathy—crimes that the Korean government has since acknowledged.1 As Friday’s New York Times explains (paywall), Han Kang’s recent Nobel Prize offered a moment of catharsis and vindication for victims of the 1980 incident; the recent turmoil has cut short their celebration.

Next is 28 by Jeong You Jeong (정유정). Set in Hwayang, a fictional city on the outskirts of Seoul, this 2013 novel imagines the outbreak of a highly infectious disease transmitted between humans and dogs. Once the Korean government grasps the infection’s contagiousness and lethality, the president imposes a swift military blockade on the city. Within, anarchy prevails. As the citizens of Hwayang clash with the occupying troops, 28 makes transparent reference to the crimes of 5/18, but pushes further to ask how martial law would unfold with modern technology and social media. Jeong also raises difficult questions about the transactional relationship between humans and animals. (And, because it is a Jeong You Jeong novel, there is a serial killer running around.) It looks like Chi-Young Kim translated this novel into English at the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, but all I can find is an excerpt.

These modern novels remind us that in Korea, the concept of authoritarian rule is more than a rhetorical foil, but a living memory than looms over public policy and civic life. At this moment, martial law is no longer in effect, President Yoon has apologized, and the democratically elected National Assembly controls the government. That means that Korea’s future is, for now, safely in the hands of its people.

  1. It took until 2018 for the Korean government to acknowledge that soldiers sexually assaulted civilians during the crackdown. 

How I self-host fonts on this blog

I recently transitioned this blog to self-host its fonts (IBM Plex Sans, Sans KR, and Mono) from within the GitHub Pages artifact instead of calling the Google Fonts API. This makes the site a little more “static” by eliminating the need for your browser to download font files from an external domain. Here, I explain how (and why) I self-host fonts without bringing them into the source tree.

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Replacing rbenv with conda

Why I am using conda instead of rbenv to install Ruby inside of the CI job that builds this static site.

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Media literacy chat at 88.9 Gwangju FM

I wanted to follow up on my previous post about the CLS alumni seminar in Gwangju to spotlight my favorite excursion of the week: our visit to the 88.9 Gwangju FM community radio station. Gwangju FM has no particular theme, but they dedicate part of their schedule each week to programming related to the Gwangju international community. When our group of twenty-five showed up, the staff divided us into five groups and gave us two hours each to produce a one-hour broadcast on a topic of our choice.

The task seemed impossible when the guide explained it to me (at work, we routinely spend weeks choreographing what amounts to a brief slideshow presentation), but the time pressure worked to our group’s advantage: all we could really do was create a list of discussion questions and songs to provide forward motion, then improvise from there. We ended up having a spirited discussion about media literacy and news consumption. (Email me if the link breaks and I will upload an MP3 instead.)

After our group disbanded in Gwangju, I got to spend a few days in Naju, my “second hometown” where I taught English for two years as a Fulbright grantee. I tried a new (to me) gomtang place called 나주곰탕사매기, which has a cool aquarium, a garden, and even birds! A few pics below.

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Gwangju again: CLS Media Literacy and Democracy seminar

I had the honor this week of participating in the first ever Critical Language Scholarship Alumni Seminar at Chonnam National University in Gwangju, South Korea. The seminar focused on media literacy and democracy, and I can’t think of a better time or place to study the topic.

Koreans take their democracy very seriously, as evidenced by the high degree of civic participation (there is virtually always a protest going on in front of all the major government buildings in Seoul) and high voter turnout (77% in the 2022 presidential election). One reason is that Korea didn’t adopt a democratic constitution until 1987, which puts Korea’s long struggle against authoritarian rule well within living memory. The memory is especially fresh in Gwangju, the site of the 5/18 (1980) independence movement, in which hundreds of activists (many of them CNU students) lost their lives to state violence.

As we learned, throughout the 1980s, citizen journalists played a pivotal role in resisting media censorship and spreading the true narrative of 5/18 via informal publications; their contributions were arguably a key factor in the eventual success of the 1987 democracy movement. I was encouraged to hear from a panel of CNU student journalists about their efforts to document important issues in the community and carry forward CNU’s tradition of advocacy through journalism.

Our discussions during the seminar also reminded me of the important role that art plays in shaping the collective narratives that energize and sustain a democratic society. Today is another special moment in Gwangju’s history as the city celebrates the author Han Kang’s receipt of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Han Kang was born in Gwangju, and one of her novels, Human Acts (소년이 온다), memorializes the 5/18 independence movement. I have to add this book to the stack, as I have only read The Vegetarian (채식주의자), and only in translation. Our group also viewed, at the Gwangju Museum of Art, a pair of paintings by a then student activist, now senior citizen who began in retirement to paint scenes from the the 5/18 movement to preserve his memory and perspective. (Unfortunately, I can’t find this artist’s name on the website.) Such images create a relationship between the viewer and the events of 5/18 that rings “true” in a way that journalistic accounts cannot.

As for me: Participating in this seminar meant that I got to return to the exact institution where I did CLS in 2016—my first visit to Korea—with the added perspective of eight more years of Korean study and four years of living in the country. It was a delight to show the other participants around and see Korea again through the eyes of a newcomer.

During CLS in 2016, I was too shy to explore much of the city, but on this visit the only limiting factor was time. After the seminar, I took a day to walk all around the Asian Cultural Center, an endless arts complex. My highlight was Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse, a massive video installation from the studio of science fiction creator Ayoung Kim (김아영). I also enjoyed the ACC’s library, which has a slick reference area with art magazines and comfy chairs.

Bimatrix game equilibrium via nonlinear programming

These lecture notes (PDF) from Asu Ozdaglar give a bilinear program whose solution is the mixed-strategy equilibrium for a two-player, non-zero-sum game with finite action spaces—also known as a bimatrix game. I wanted to reproduce this highly practical result in a more accessible format and offer some implementation notes.

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Advanced café techniques

Most cafés have separate lines for placing your order and picking it up. After you order, you move to the next line, and since drinks come out in more or less the order they were requested, the barista usually announces your drink around the time you get to the front of the second line.

However, for simple drinks like drip coffee, all the barista has to do is fill the cup, so they can often hand it to you right at the order counter. This also applies to pastries. If you are a rule-follower and immediately move to the second queue after ordering one of these items, it can actually slow things down, because your drink will typically be ready before those of the people ahead of you in line, and you’ll need to elbow your way to the front.

Advanced combinations such as “coffee and a hot croissant” are marginal. This could be a one- or a two-queue order. Such situations require careful planning and deft execution.

Driver’s ed should teach error recovery

I live near a one-way street, and drivers keep turning into it the wrong way by mistake. Most react by getting flustered and backing dangerously into the arterial, perhaps following an instinct to “undo” the error. The safer solution (in my eyes) is to park the car, wait for traffic to clear, then use a driveway to point yourself in the right direction.

Unfortunately, driver’s ed doesn’t teach you how to recover from mistakes like this—at least, mine didn’t. Instead, driver’s ed teaches the rules of the road and how to follow them. Once you have violated the law, even if by accident, you are in undefined territory. Hence, drivers develop a strong impulse to immediately “reverse” errors rather than identify a safe course of action.

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Sports idea

A footrace, but the objective is to run as far as possible in a fixed amount of time rather than speeding through a fixed distance. The catch is that the time limit is drawn randomly at the start of the race, so you cannot strategize around it being a sprint or distance event.

I think a good choice of distribution would be an log-normal distribution with a mean of around four or five minutes and a fairly high variance. Perhaps we could clamp the maximum time at eight hours, out of respect for the athletes’ work-life balance.

I ran (ha) this idea by a friend who is a competitive marathoner and he said, “That sounds like hell.” This makes me think I am really onto something, because many popular sports sound like hell to those who are not yet good at them.

New logo

I created a new logo for the site today:

New logo: A stylized letter "M" formed by joining four segments with colors drawn from the site theme

The old one was just a square with my initials, MK, which seemed a little too self-indulgent (not to mention that I share these initials with half of my extended family, so I can hardly claim them as my own):

Old logo: The initials MK in green on a yellowish background

The new logo still kind of forms a stylized letter m, if you imagine the three theme-colored vertical segments as hanging from the horizontal segment on top. It also kind of recalls the shape of the word Ill, which spells the start of the blog title and doubles as a fun bit of retro slang.

The best thing about fish

The best thing about fish is probably the lateral line, which sort of like ears for underwater that enable fish to sense and locate predators even in dark or murky conditions.

The best thing about the fish command-line shell, on the other hand, has to be its “fuzzy” completions. In most other shells (like Microsoft PowerShell, which I use every day at work), you can tab-complete a filename like by typing blog (the first part of the filename) and pressing Tab. If there are multiple matches, you use the arrow keys to scroll through them until you get the one you want.

This works fine if you put the most-unique part of your filenames at the beginning. But I like to begin my filenames with ISO dates, so to tab-complete in PowerShell, I have to type 2024 and then jab the arrow key a bunch of times, which is like using a phone book that is sorted by phone number. In fish, I can just type blogpost (even without the underscore) and it will autocomplete to

Similar completions work for the options of most command-line programs, and it’s (relatively) easy to extend the built-in completions with your own configuration files (but I’ve never needed to).

Why I put ISO dates in filenames

I am one of those obnoxious people who begins his filenames with an ISO date, like I know that file metadata already tracks creation and revision dates, but I don’t like those: The creation date is misleading when you duplicate a file to reuse its format or content, and the revision date is all but meaningless because modern software modifies files on disk in all kinds of spurious ways. I put an ISO date in my filenames to assign them a canonical date. The canonical date means something like “the last date at which this file underwent a significant change,” and I alone (not software) can determine what that means.

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New old device

On a recent visit home, I dug this 2007 Sansa Clip out of a box.

An image of an Obama-era Sansa clip (released in late 2007, probably manufactured later) running the Rockbox custom firmware

It’s battery life is shot, but everything works, and I unearthed some critical throwback jams from the built-in 4GB of flash memory (among other things, the first four Brad Paisley albums in .wma format). As the picture shows, I also installed a bit of custom firmware called Rockbox.

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Recent reading

Mostly novels this time:

  • 조남주, «82년생 김지영», a 2016 novel about (I have struggled to phrase this in a way that isn’t too dead-on) why it is so hard to be a woman in contemporary Korean society.

    The movie version from 2019 is better known, perhaps thanks to the sanitized resolution in which the title character learns to channel her resentment into creative energy—and writes the novel that the movie is based on. In the novel, however, the final chapter reveals the narrator as 지영’s therapist, and he comes within inches of a feminist awakening as he weighs different diagnoses for her, then reverses course. Witholding spoilers, I suspect that much of the hand-wringing around the book turns on its withering, cynical last sentence.

  • 장강명, «한국이 싫어서», a novel about a woman’s decision to migrate from Korea to Australia, and for reasons that are no surprise if you’ve read the book above. This one has a happy ending.

  • Mishele Maron, “Anger Management” (paywall), a memoir by a psychologist whose job was to “goad men with a history of violence into wanting to punch me” and create the opportunity for them to examine their feelings in group counseling.

  • Greg Egan, Permutation City.

  • Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle.

I am looking for Korean bookstores that deliver within the US. So far 반디북US has proven reliable, but I’d like to have a backup option in case their rickety website finally gives way. Write if you know of any others.


Completed some overdue site maintenance over the past few weeks:

  • RSS feed styling: With help from a template found on GitHub, I created a stylesheet for the RSS feed so that it looks nice when viewed in the browser. Ctrl+F “via RSS” on this page to find the link, or just scroll all the way to the bottom, or maybe try this link.

    I am not a big consumer of RSS feeds myself; I prefer to just bookmark blog URLs and read posts in their original context. But RSS is an important bit of plumbing for the indie web, and probably covers accessibility use cases that I haven’t anticipated.

    (Technically, I am serving an Atom feed rather than RSS, but people use the terms interchangeably.)

  • Upgraded to Jekyll 4: Jekyll is a tool for building a static HTML site out of Markdown files. The built-in GitHub functionality for hosting a Jekyll blog uses an old version of Jekyll which has some end-of-life dependencies, and they are stuck searching for an upgrade path that doesn’t break existing sites.

    I followed this wonderful guide to switch my publication workflow to a GitHub Action that lets me manually manage my Ruby and Jekyll versions. It’s a great tutorial that also helped clear up several misunderstandings about Ruby, Gems, and rbenv.

  • Removed embedded YouTube videos: I replaced embedded YouTube videos with simple links to improve page load times and user privacy.

A handy class of submodular functions

In this post, we will show that functions of the form

f(X)=1iΩX(1pi)iX(1qi)f(X) = 1 - \prod_{i \in \Omega \setminus X} (1 - p_i) \prod_{i \in X} (1 - q_i)

are submodular for pi,qi[0,1]p_i, q_i \in [0, 1] where each piqi,p_i \leq q_i, and examine an application of this small result that demonstrates its practical value.

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Recent reading

Finished reading, but still thinking about:

  • 정유정, «종의 기원», a thriller.
  • 김연수, «이토록 평범한 미래», a collection of short stories.
  • 권여선, «레몬», a thriller.
  • 신경숙, «엄마를 부탁해», a classic.
  • Cory Doctorow, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation, a tinkerer’s manifesto.
  • Paul Abel, “I thought I wanted to be a professor. Then, I served on a hiring committee.”
  • From the September issue of The Sun, “No Small Wonder” (paywall), an interview with psychologist Dacher Keltner, a student of awe. It pairs nicely with Bewilderment below.

Currently reading:

  • Richard Powers, Bewilderment, a novel of astrobiology, biofeedback, and conservationism.
  • 정유정, «내 심장을 쏴라», a thriller.

Guitarix troubleshooting

For the past few updates of Guitarix, I have been having issues where changing the JACK server latency causes the audio output to go crazy. This seems to stem from changes that the developer has been making to the config files, because the following commands usually get things working again:

mv ~/.config/guitarix ~/.config/guitarix.backup
mkdir ~/.config/guitarix
cp -r ~/.config/guitarix.backup/banks ~/.config/guitarix/banks

These commands backup your amp/effects presets from ~/.config/guitarix/banks (which are the hard part to restore manually), and let the default settings take over the next time the application is launched.

I’ve been using the following fish alias fzl (“fuzzy list”) to run fzf (“fuzzy find”) in the current directory with a bat preview. It’s just a couple of light tweaks to the examples listed in the fzf README.


function fzl
    # `bat` is aliased to `batcat` on Debian
    if type -q batcat
        set -f bat_command "batcat"
        set -f bat_command "bat"

    # Set the overall width of the `bat` preview to
    # 50% the width of the current terminal
    set -l bat_width $(math ceil $COLUMNS x 0.5)

    # My preferred `bat` options
    set -f bat_command \
        $bat_command \
        --style numbers \
        --color always \
        --italic-text always \
        --wrap auto \
        --terminal-width $bat_width

    fzf \
        --preview "$bat_command {}" \
        --preview-window right,$bat_width,nowrap

Example below.

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Learning Korean idioms with UNIX fortune

fortune is a classic UNIX program that displays random fortunes, pithy quotes, and the like:

$ fortune
If you think last Tuesday was a drag, wait till you see what happens tomorrow!

Today, I repurposed fortune (really fortune-mod) as a language study tool by scraping some Korean idioms from Wikiquote from Wikiquote):

$ fortune korean
“쇠귀에 경 읽기.”
    아무리 좋은 말을 하면서 가르치려고 하여도 그 뜻을 제대로 헤아리지 못하는 사람을 두고 하는 말.

This one says “Chanting sutras into the ears of a cow,“ defined as “A phrase used when someone fails to understand what you are trying to teach them no matter how well you choose your words.”

I set fortune korean (with some gentle text styling) as my fish greeting, so I can learn a new idiom every time I open a terminal—see below.

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Applying the KISS principle to amp modeling

I’ve been playing electric guitar using only computer modeling software (without a physical amplifier) for about five years now. I started out with Garageband and Mainstage, then briefly experimented with Amplifikation Vermilion, and for the last year and half have turned to a free, open-source package called Guitarix and a small collection of impulse response files culled from guitar forums. In my experience, a good impulse response file fed into a basic convolver does a lot more for your sound than trying to optimize the countless parameters on an expensive simulator.

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This year’s reading

A subset of the books I enjoyed this year:

  • Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible, a novel about evangelical Christianity and cultural arrogance.
  • 손원평, «아몬드», a novel debating whether or not emotions are a distraction.
  • Walter Isaacson, The Codebreaker, a biography of biochemist Jennifer Doudna.
  • Michael Lewis, The Undoing Project, a biography of behavioral economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.
  • 황보름, «어서 오세요, 휴남동 서점입니다», a slice-of-life novel about a bookstore owner overcoming the loneliness of urban life.
  • Ayoko Sono, Ningen no Bunzai, a “collection of writings” (according to Wikipedia, and I cannot come up with a better description). I read the Korean translation «약간의 거리를 둔다» by 김욱.
  • 김애란, «달려라, 아비», short stories about the legacy of childhood experience.
  • Jia Tolentino, Trick Mirror, essays about identity, authenticity, and social media.

In progress:

  • 김금희, «너무 한낮의 연애», short stories about people at the margins of society.
  • David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest.

Two truths and one lie

A puzzle based on the icebreaker game.

Two truths and one lie:

  1. I have a twin.
  2. I used a random number generator to decide whether to place a true or false statement in #1.
  3. I do not understand the rules of “two truths and one lie.”

Solution inside.

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New job at Booz Allen Hamilton

I’m happy to share a somewhat belated bit of good news: This month, I began a new job as an operations research analyst at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. To fulfill this new role, I have moved to Arlington, Virginia, a suburb of DC with a mild climate and lots of natural beauty.

On this blog, I will continue to post short essays and notes about economics, math, and Korean. Please understand that any opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of my employer.

On my way out of Korea, I was able to make a celebratory trip to Naju and say farewell to my friends and coworkers at Geumseong Middle School and hike up to my favorite spot on the mountain. I have a tradition of listening to the Brahms Piano Trio in B Major at transitions like this. Here’s one of my favorite interpretations.

Master’s graduation and two free optimization courses

On September 29, I received my master’s degree in industrial engineering from Seoul National University!

A photograph of Max wearing his cap and gown at Seoul National University.

It’s been a wonderful two years. Despite the challenges of social distancing, I was able to take a diverse assortment of courses in optimization, economics, and human factors; participate in research projects in two different labs; present at a conference in Jeju; and write (in both Korean and English) a thesis I’m rather proud of.

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Apply to fifty colleges

In this post, we’ll use fake numbers and a simplified model to argue that the most college applicants should apply to far more colleges than they actually do. You can probably extend the argument to job applications and the dating game. I’ll also compute a few fake comparative statics and speculate about why real students don’t apply to more schools.

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Grading multiple-selection questions

Consider the following test question:

Which of the following are US States? (select multiple)

  1. Washington
  2. Delaware
  3. Frankfurt
  4. Memphis

This is a multiple-selection question, so the correct answer is a and b. How would you grade a question like this on an exam?

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Mulberry: A college application strategist

I recently created Mulberry, a web app students can use to compute their optimal college application strategy. It is a free, open-source, user-friendly interface to Algorithm 1 from my MS thesis.

The Mulberry logo: a magenta berry and a green leaf

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Python utility for manipulating subtitle timings

One of my current projects involves editing several hours’ worth of subtitle files in the .srt format to accompany an online course in numerical optimization. Because we haven’t decided exactly how we want to break up the videos, I needed an efficient way to delay or advance all the subtitles in time, so I wrote a small Python program called today to help me with this task.

Usage examples below the cut, or you can just go straight to the README in the GitHub repository.

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Opening Pandora’s Box

A harrowing thing that happens in research is that occasionally, you stumble upon a paper from 1979 (paywall) that appears to solve the exact problem that you’ve been working on for months, but that escaped your attention because it used different terminology or notation.

That almost happened to me this week, but mercy was on my side. The paper linked above, Martin Weitzman’s “Optimal Search for the Best Alternative,” considers a problem called the Pandora’s Box problem that resembles my college application problem except for one crucial difference: The Pandora’s Box problem has a time dimension, whereas the college application problem is static.

The unusual thing is that the static problem appears more difficult.

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Migrating to Jekyll

After reflecting on my unsustainable dependency on Google services, I have decided to bite the bullet and migrate my blog from Blogger to the open-source Jekyll, with hosting provided by GitHub. In the full version of this post, I explain some of the technical reasons for making this change.

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Thesis defense

This week, I defended my master’s thesis at Seoul National University. My thesis concerns an NP-hard portfolio optimization problem that I call the college application problem. My slides, presentation script, and the thesis itself live on this GitHub repository, and all are provided in both English and Korean versions. I also have a very brief deck of reveal.js slides introducing the problem, and I recently wrote some documentation for OptimalApplication.jl, the Julia implementation of my solution algorithms.

The defense process was relatively painless: I received some very helpful comments and reference suggestions from the professors on my committee, and I was pleased that they were persuaded by my argument that the model of the college admissions process I have chosen represents the best tradeoff between realism and tractability.

I also was able to give a brief presentation about my research at a conference in Jeju at the end of last month. Here’s a terrible photo for Mom:

Max giving a presentation about the college application problem at a conference in Jeju

The college application problem, presented in Korean

I gave a brief presentation about the college application problem at a research fair hosted by our department. English subtitles are included.

“College Application” on arXiv

In advance of a conference I will be attending with my labmates next month in Jeju, my thesis advisor and I have posted a preliminary version of “The College Application Problem” on arXiv. Here’s the abstract:

This paper considers the maximization of the expected maximum value of a portfolio of random variables subject to a budget constraint. We refer to this as the optimal college application problem. When each variable’s cost, or each college’s application fee, is identical, we show that the optimal portfolios are nested in the budget constraint, yielding an exact polynomial-time algorithm. When colleges differ in their application fees, we show that the problem is NP-complete. We provide four algorithms for this more general setup: a branch-and-bound routine, a dynamic program that produces an exact solution in pseudopolynomial time, a different dynamic program that yields a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme, and a simulated-annealing heuristic. Numerical experiments demonstrate the algorithms’ accuracy and efficiency.

Rolling updates to the paper as well as various slideshows presenting the research are available on GitHub.

The school location problem

I’ve spent a few days thinking about a facility location problem that we might call the school location problem. The goal is to place nn schools to serve mm families, such that the furthest distance between any family and their nearest school is minimized. This problem is almost a kk-means or ellipsoid fitting problem, but its unusual “minimin” form makes it computationally challenging.

In the video below, and associated Jupyter notebook (GitHub, HTML viewer), I discuss the formulation of this problem, show to express it as a mixed-integer second-order convex program, and then solve a small instance using the Julia/JuMP/Juniper/SCS stack.

Here’s the video link.

Administrative vs. allocative efficiency

This fall marks my final semester of coursework, and penultimate semester overall, of the master’s course in industrial engineering here at Seoul National University. I’m taking courses in combinatorial optimization and advanced microeconomics, as well as continuing my study of college admissions markets as a research assistant in the Management Science/Optimization Lab.

Recently, I have been focusing on risk-averse behavior in college applications. In an ideal universe, college applications are completely standardized and there are no constraints on students’ ability to apply to many schools or on schools’ ability to assess a large number of applicants. In reality, many highly qualified students fail to apply to top schools because they doubt their ability to get in or receive a sufficient financial-aid package. For these students, the time and money required to submit an additional application to a so-called reach school takes away from time that could be spent refining an application to a target school. This opportunity cost is not trivial, because modern admissions offices strongly prefer students who tailor their personal statement to the characteristics and interests of the target school or program.

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An economic view of the Korean college admissions market

Existing computational models of admissions markets tend to fall at one of two extremes: Either they envision a centralized admissions process in which the school board runs an algorithm that says which students go where, or a decentralized process in which colleges compete for the best students. But the Korean college admissions process cannot be adequately described in either of these terms.

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Stable matching on Planet Money

Planet Money, an NPR show about economics, recently ran an episode entitled “The Marriage Pact” that deals precisely with my research topic. It’s a great episode that discusses both the basic ideas behind stable assignment as well as its applications in organ donation, job placement, and (my area of focus) school choice.

The episode begins with an interview with a Stanford econ student who designed a marriage market for his peers and managed to get 4111 of them to sign up for it. What a cool project! The student makes a few minor misstatements about the Gale–Shapley proposal algorithm that Planet Money leaves uncorrected. In this post, I want to offer a few corrections, not just because I can, but because in my opinion these marginal details are what make stable assignment an interesting and profitable research topic.

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They say that we perceive time by the accumulation of novel experiences, so that if you want to have a subjectively long life, you ought to do many spontaneous and hard-to-repeat things, but if you want to have a happy life, you ought to find one or two high pleasures that you can enjoy on a spiritual level and repeat the hell out of them, because they also say that on average, people derive more happiness from repeating a good experience than from trying something new.

You could write a linear program that targets your ideal mix of longevity and happiness and it would tell you exactly how many times to do this or that activity before moving onto something new. But what this calculus leaves out is the feelings of uncertainty that stain the transitions.

I am leaving Naju, after having grown accustomed to this routine, this commute, these faces, and I cannot say with any confidence that I have reached a joy plateau. Every week of teaching here has been better than the last: my skills have improved, my confidence has grown, and the teachers and students have become only more important to me. I could be happy like this for a long time. But.

A picture of the school I taught at in Naju on a sunny day. The bleachers feature a newly painted mural in spring colors.

But too much comfort has a way of smearing all the time together, so that the things that take place in a given day feel less like events and more like footnote references to proto-events hovering in the firmament of the distant past. I have already seen the river clog itself with duckweed; I have already looked down the street from all four of the intersection’s corners, trying to make the buildings line up with the trees. Upon inspection, a more sensitive man might look at these rhododendrons and see something more than last year’s blossoms in a different configuration, but I am a pattern-matcher by nature, too easily bored to remain a recluse. It is time for a new challenge.

As I wrap up my Fulbright grant, I am delighted to share that I have been accepted into the Government of Korea Scholarship program, through which I will be returning to Korea in the fall to pursue a fully funded master’s degree in industrial engineering at Seoul National University.

Thank you to all who have encouraged me.

The benefits of a nonnative teacher

In addition to the myth that it’s impossible for adults to “really” learn a foreign language, a widely held misconception about language learning is the notion that beginners must learn from native speakers. Many are willing to allow that a nonnative English speaker could make as good a teacher as a native speaker, but fewer recognize the pedagogical advantages offered by someone who has learned the target language as an adult and can understand what it looks like from the student’s perspective.

In the ELL classroom, we often encounter questions like: Why is it correct to say I am going to school but wrong to say I am going to home? A native speaker has to think about this: Is there a reason we drop the to before home, maybe something to do with the fact that you can attend, in theory, multiple schools but can have only one true home? Or is it because it just “sounds better”? Or maybe it’s just a random exception, but then, which one is the exception and which one is the rule?

Someone who learned English as an adult can tell you immediately that I am going home is a random exception, and that to is the rule when you are going to a specific, named place. The only reason I, a native English speaker, know this is that a similar exception exists in German: Ich bin zu Hause. When I asked my German teacher (a nonnative English speaker) about that sentence, she asked, rhetorically, “Why is it correct to say I am going to school but wrong to say I am going to home?”—having learned this very thing in school.

With some effort, you can generate sentence pairs that demonstrate the opposite case, where a native speaker feels inclined to call the difference a random exception when in fact there’s a grammatical rule in play. Here’s a test question that I’ve encountered in various forms:

I think dogs are awesome. I think cats are OK. Circle all correct sentences:

  1. I like dogs more than cats.
  2. I like dogs better than cats.
  3. I like more dogs than cats.
  4. I like cats less than dogs.
  5. I like cats fewer than dogs.

The answer is choices B and D. Most native speakers see nothing wrong with A, because it’s something that we actually do say, but according to a strict interpretation of the rules of English grammar, A is wrong for the same reason that C and E are wrong: more is for comparing quantities of things, but like expresses a binary preference. By an even stricter interpretation of the rules, you can argue that choice D should have worse instead of less, but the prescriptivists who write Korean standardized tests of English grammar have moved past that archaism even as they’ve resisted allowing choice A.

Native English speakers who teach in Korea are often given test questions like these, along with the answer key, and asked to explain the correct choice. Because the answer key disagrees with our intuition, we tend to grasp for an explanation and fail. On the other hand, a Korean teacher can reference the textbook page that discusses more than and better than and be done with it.

You might argue that memorizing these kinds of formalisms falls short of actual language acquisition, and you would be correct—language learners need also to engage with authentic texts and audio, experiment with the target language in roleplay scenarios, and practice speaking freely without worrying about errors. But teaching the more than/better than distinction, even if the student will eventually discard that rule as they encounter English in the wild, is useful because it primes the student’s awareness of the different kinds of comparisons available in the language.

Consider: You can allow choice A in the above question, but then students will ask why its parallel, choice E, is wrong, and you’ll teach them the fewer than/less than distinction, but then you’ll have to explain why there isn’t a more than/better than distinction as well. Yuck! It’s better (more?) to avail beginners of a consistent set of principles that mostly work, while maintaining a mental inventory of exceptions, and exceptions to the exceptions, in case a smart kid asks a good question.

Most native teachers long to do away with multiple-choice questions like the above. At best, they make for interesting illustrations of how English grammar is a moving target and there’s no universal set of rules obeyed by all English speakers everywhere forever. At worst, they make for frustrating illustrations of how English grammar is a moving target and there’s no universal set of rules obeyed by all English speakers everywhere forever. A nonnative speaker, who can detach herself from personal feelings about what constitutes “natural” English, can distinguish between language usage and test-taking strategy. A savvy test-taker, confronted with the above question, doesn’t have to know whether I like dogs more than cats is admissible in Korean Standard English; she merely recognizes that this question is “about” the more than/better than distinction and eliminates choice A because standardized examinations test rules, not exceptions.

Now, native speakers can learn to speak abstractly about grammar like nonnative speakers do, but it’s an acquired skill, just like algebra. While it’s theoretically possible for a native speaker to deduce the rules of his language’s grammar from first principles, a speaker who learned the language as an adult learned those rules at the same time, whereas native teachers like me have to scramble through Google to find answers or make up rules that seem right at first but collapse upon inspection.

I have learned a great deal of Korean from native speakers, but my foundation in the Korean language was established in a class at the UW taught by an American. After that, I had Korean professors and TAs who had invested considerable time in learning to speak about Korean, and they understood the utility of abstract grammar because they had relied on it themselves in learning English. To the extent that I’m good at Korean now, I attribute my success more to the many opportunities I’ve had to carefully examine Korean grammar and etymology than to my friendships with native speakers. That part’s just fun.

Accidental signals

It is a well-known result in psychology that measures of intelligence correlate across domains. If you are good at math, you are probably also good at verbal reasoning, and vice versa. Therefore, if a company is hiring for a position that requires a variety of skills (as most jobs do), it should pick a candidate who has demonstrated impressive skill in one domain over someone who has demonstrated middling proficiency in a number of different domains.

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What you learn in a humanities degree

The more I learn, I find myself with fewer and fewer things to say.

A Reddit post reading, "What to do if i have theories? I contacted a college and they ignored me"

As a humanities student, I studied many “theories.” One theory is historicism, which says that things are the products of their historical settings. Example: At a career mixer, a well-dressed alumnus, class of ’70, approaches a sophomore journalism major. “The first thing you should do once you’re financially independent and you’ve got some money saved up is make a down payment on a house. Nobody will ever stop needing houses,” he says. The advice is a historical artifact, extruded from a certain moment in American politics and a certain set of assumptions about credit scores and work contingency and citizenship status. The student may react with with doubt; her doubt is also historical. It encodes her upbringing, and a different relationship with houses and banks and the word independent.

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Houseplant measurements

I have been measuring the leaves of my houseplants.


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Using data to understand ELL students

In August, I surveyed my students about their motivation for learning English, their opinions about our class and my teaching style, and what resources they were using to study English outside of class. By analyzing the results using some of the statistical tools I’ve taught myself this year, I came up with some effective strategies for reaching the disengaged students in my classroom.

At the moment this post goes up, I’ll be giving a presentation about that project at Fulbright Korea’s fall conference in Gyeongju. Here’s a digital version of the talk.

And here’s a detailed write-up of my survey design and results.

Things that are a thing here

They say that major lifestyle changes—even positive ones, like starting a new job or moving—are one of the biggest stressors out there. By that measure, it’s been a wild week: I’ve moved in with my host family in Naju, set up a Korean bank account and phone number in my name, and started teaching English at two middle schools. Unfamiliar digs, unfamiliar language, unfamiliar students and coworkers. But on all sides, I’ve been fortunate to find myself surrounded by supportive, understanding, and hardworking people.

Skip these two paragraphs if I already told you about my weekly schedule. I spend Monday through Thursday at an all-boys’ middle school in Naju’s old town. At about forty students in each grade (divided into two classes), it’s smaller than average, but our students more than make up for it with their rambunctious energy. Fridays, I’m out in the countryside in an actually tiny one-building school that has only twenty-five or so students (it’s the satellite of a school in a neighboring city), all very proper and devoted to their grade-level classmates. The second school is in a gorgeous setting: epic mountains pouring down fog from all sides.

At my main school, each homeroom gets English class two or three times a week; I teach one class and my supervising coteacher teaches the other. After school, I teach a smaller group of students an English conversation class (the students are all required to participate in a club class but they get to choose from various school subjects). I expected the large classes to be the hard part because of, you know, crowd control. But the club classes have proven more challenging because they expose the students whose English isn’t as strong. Half of the students are bored because they understand nothing, and the other half is bored of waiting for the former to catch up. This situation calls for creative pedagogy. I don’t know what that’ll look like yet, exactly.

Now, I’ll do my utmost not to be that foreigner who windbags about “how the Koreans do it.” So, with the caveat that I do not intend to define cultural differences comprehensively, let me share two things have stood out to me this week: First, it’s really striking how much authority teachers have here. Despite my youth and inexperience, my fellow teachers place a lot of faith (certainly undue) in my ability to plan solid classes. They’ve given me a textbook to follow, along with ample supplies and auxiliary materials, but nobody has nagged me for any bureaucratic nonsense like a tabular correlation of my lesson plans with those of my supervisor. The team trusts that I’ll do the work well, and I do my best to meet their expectations.

Observation number two: There’s a stereotype that Korean schools teach everything by rote, but to me, this appears to be more of a generational difference than a cultural one. If anything, it’s kids in the US who suffer truly tedious classes, structured the same way every day (“I will be able to … ”), because American teachers’ livelihood depends so desperately on their students’ standardized test scores. While standardized tests are also a big deal in Korea, teachers themselves seem to assign (and are permitted to assign) students’ overall learning and well-being more importance. Additionally, my students in Korea take a much wider variety of subjects than their American counterparts. Art, music, literature, and “morality” class1 matter just as much as the STEM subjects, whereas the schools I’ve worked at in the States seemed to treat anything that isn’t quantitative as an ancillary. (But then, I did grow up in the shadow of Microsoft, Boeing, and Amazon.)

In short, I really love my job. Call this the honeymoon phase, but I want to gush about one more thing while I’m riding high: On my first day, I received from the vice principal a tabbed, leather-bound notebook labeled “Teacher’s Diary.” I chuckled at the odd English, thinking it was just a regular planner, but it isn’t. Many of the teachers at our school actually keep a journal, in prose, reflecting on their daily lessons and pondering ways to improve their pedagogy. I’ve started doing the same. And I can already feel it making me more present in the classroom, more aware of how my students are faring. I mean, why wasn’t this a thing in my high school?

  1. I really want to observe this one. I was leafing through the morality textbook and it consists mostly of short parables and comic strips, which students read and then respond to with brief journal entries. When I remarked to another teacher that there are no such classes in America, she asked if we just learned morality during philosophy class. I told her we don’t normally have philosophy classes in grade school either. She turned back to her computer, looking perplexed. 


Fun fact: the most-viewed post on this blog, by a long shot, is the one where I shared that I’d received a Critical Language Scholarship from the US Department of State to study Korean in Gwangju. Today, I’m pleased to announce there will soon be another addition to the State Department–mandated disclaimer at the bottom of this blog.

Beginning early this July, I’ll be spending a full year in South Korea as a Fulbright fellow. I’ll be serving as an English teaching assistant at the elementary level. After our six-week orientation in Seoul, I don’t yet know the city I’ll be working in. That said, though Korea isn’t a small country, it possesses an excellent transportation infrastructure. If you’ll be there at all during the next year, send me an email so we can catch up!

Here’s a spotlight on the website of the Thornton School of Music about me and my friend Geetha, also a new Fulbright fellow.

Centering students as creators

In an influential article reimagining how we teach art in the modern classroom, Olivia Gude observes that when students set about “looking for and developing images from inkblots, smoke marks, or wax drippings,” even the artistically checked-out ones begin to recognize themselves as creators:

Initially, students may be confused and suspicious—claiming they don’t see anything in the blurs and blobs, but as peers and teachers model an experimental attitude, soon the classroom is filled with exclamations as new images and combinations are spontaneously discovered. Students who are taught to access the creative unconscious don’t drive teachers mad complaining, “I don’t have an idea.” These students have learned the important artistic lesson that artists do not know the outcomes of their works before they begin. Artists immerse themselves in a process of making and sensitively interact with images and ideas as they emerge.

We would do well to follow Gude’s lead in other fields of art education, too. When I interned at The Greater Seattle Bureau of Fearless Ideas this summer, I noticed the staff was well prepared for students who would claim, “I’m really not the creative type.” In our workshops, we sometimes had students brainstorm on paper as a warm-up activity, but the proper beginning would always involve dissecting a story or film clip and bouncing original ideas around in a group discussion.

This works great for elementary schoolers, whose boundless imaginations seldom need more than a push-start. It’s insecurity about speaking in front of unknown students (these were summer day camps, after all), not insecurity about their creative facility, that holds them back.

High school students are another story, though. By tenth or eleventh grade, a subset of kids now identifies as “ambitious.” They are eager to see their name at the top of a page filled with text—especially if they can send it off as a college or scholarship application—and they like the idea that they have a story to tell. And they all do. But early on in our college essay workshop at BFI, when asked to describe their apprehensions about writing their applications, all also said some version of: “I have a vision for myself, but I’m not sure how telling the story of my past adds up to it.”

The lead teacher on that workshop, a professional essay counselor who volunteered to do this workshop for free, was excellent at helping students connect their future ambitions with narratives of their past. Her process seemed like a formula at first, until you looked closer and realized it was the exact opposite. The students filled out surveys to get their superficial interests out of the way—things like sports and music, or what Gude would call “‘symbols of themselves’ [that] promote narrow, limited, socially pre-defined categories of identity.” Having found this rhythm, the students next did a similar questionnaire asking about their values and social concerns.

The task of the workshop (and, I suppose, the college essay broadly) was to use storytelling to bridge column A with column B, and this central how question of writing was left to the students’ creativity. There was, of course, the obligatory read-over of successful application essays to top universities. But this teacher didn’t ask the students to count the number of anecdotes, have them calculate the ratio of “showing to telling,” or make any other such cruel attempt to reduce writing to a mathematical exercise (as if words weren’t intimidating enough without numbers). Instead, she led the students in a discussion focusing on the emotional impact of specific phrases within each essay. The students picked out the writerly gestures they found interesting; there was no judgment if they favored a passage others deemed corny or wordy or mathy. They were recognizing writing as a subjective undertaking. They were seeing the faces in the inkblots.

As I prepare to be teaching music music again after a summer of creative writing, I’m finding Gude’s article an impactful synthesis of this summer’s implicit realizations. In arts education, we can do more than turn up the volume on existing channels of students’ personas. Rather than asking that stereotypical music-teacher question, “What kind of music are you into?” I think we can arrive at a more innovative—and more stylistically robust—pedagogy by asking students (and ourselves), “What kind of musician do you want to be?” People, after all, are at art’s center.

By way of a soft ending: The next stop on this train of thought is Huib Schippers’ Facing the Music: Shaping Music Education from a Global Perspective, the core text for an elective I’m taking in our music education department. To decenter western models of music teaching and learning, Schippers favors the anthropological term transmission in describing how people encounter music. “What we hear, learn, and teach is the product of what we believe about music,” he writes. We believe music can inform a positive self-identity, an emotionally attuned lifestyle, and the construction of stronger communities, but what message do we send students when we spend forty minutes of a precious hour’s general music class memorizing solfege syllables?


We pretend stability by tracking our life’s progress as a series of marginal changes, so that from each day to the next we can see that we are still ourselves, changed perhaps in substance, but never in identity.

But sample two days, say, ten or twenty years apart within the spread of a life—could you recognize the images as of the same person? Over time the marginal changes penetrate to the being’s core. The transformation becomes comprehensive.

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First week of class at CNU

I’ve just finished my first week of class at Chonnam National Universty here in Gwangju with CLS and everything is amazing! I am staying with a host family in a suburb about 40 minutes from school by bus, so I get to practice my Korean 24/7.

Speaking in a new language can feel like doing the dishes with chopsticks. One of the conditions of the CLS scholarship is that students use only the target language when they are on campus, even outside of class, which is both exhausting and rewarding. Listening and speaking are my weakest language areas, and trying to explain a multi-step process in Korean or politely make a request of my host family often leaves all parties frustrated and confused. I am committed to the language policy, but it seems to worry my host family that I come home each day exhausted of my Korean abilities rather than more fluent.

Life in Gwangju is really nice. Gwangju is the sixth largest city in Korea, so although most people here have interacted with foreigners, we are by no means common. I certainly feel the preen of cautious eyes turning toward me when I get on the bus or enter a restaurant. The questions I most often receive from strangers are whether or not I can eat spicy food and whether I know how to use chopsticks.

CLS Korean

I am blessed and honored to have received a Critical Language Scholarship from the US Department of State to study Korean language this summer at Chonnam University. This will be my first visit to Korea, and I am incredibly excited as well as anxious about becoming a study abroad student for the first time.

I feel very grateful for the professors who wrote my references for this program and all of those who provided me with guidance during the application. I am fortunate to live in a country that values the study of foreign languages enough to sponsor students like me using public funds. Thank you for paying your taxes.

As many of you know, visiting Korea is a dream I have been cultivating for years. That dream has now come true. Although this is mainly my poetry blog (and I will continue to post poetry), when I am in Gwangju this summer I will also share about my experiences and thoughts in a traditional blog format. Thanks for reading.

Older posts

“Where did the old blog go?” On June 25, 2022, I moved by blog from Google’s Blogger service to a Jekyll blog hosted on GitHub (which you are currently viewing). I have copied over all the posts from the old blog that I think are worth reading. Nonetheless, the original Illusion Slopes, whose content runs back to November 2015, is still accessible at