Many Rust projects, such as Topgrade, also publish themselves on PyPI. This means you can install them using pip or pipx as follows:

pipx install topgrade
pipx install zizmor

This pulls a binary (wheel) directly from PyPI, which obviates the need to compile from source—handy on low-powered machines where cargo install can take a while to run or exhaust the memory (ask me how I know).

If you maintain a Rust project, it looks pretty easy to enable this installation method using Maturin.

Speaking of Topgrade: Topgrade is a helpful command-line tool that automatically updates everything it can on your system (think sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && flatpak update && ...). I recently got a PR accepted that enables Topgrade to run conda clean, which can free up gigabytes of space on a well-used conda installation. I also have an open PR (perhaps merged or rejected by the time you read this) that lets you configure additional conda environments to upgrade besides base.